Cleaning & Maintenance

Our stoves are designed to require minimal maintenance. It is however important that you follow our guidelines for good practice on maintaining and cleaning your stove.

  • Clean out the ash on a regular basis, but a small amount of wood ash can be left on the base of the combustion chamber ready for the next fire

  • Occasionally grease the controls and door handle with a high temperature product and check for a smooth for operation of movement.

  • Check the firebricks for cracks with each seasonal use, replace if necessary!

  • Burn only seasoned or kiln dried wood. Wood that is the correct size for the firebox. Burning wood that is low quality or high in water content (not more that 20% moisture content) will damage appliance and cause performance related issues and make the appliance unsafe.

  • Before each season, the baffle plate should be removed, and the chimney system checked for soot build-up and potential blockage

  • Clean the glass before each use to get the best appearance. If you cannot see the flames then you do not know how well your fire is burning.

  • Always store in a clean dry place when not in season

  • Check that the base is located correctly underneath the combustion chamber before each use and that the securing bolts are tight and not loose

  • On occasion, your glass may require cleaning, glass should only be cleaned when it is completely cold. We recommend using a paper towel. If the glass is particularly dirty, then some warm, soapy water or an approved glass cleaner can be used to remove build-up of soot, make sure that you dry off the glass to avoid smearing.

  • The body of the Fresco can be kept clean by using a damp cloth to remove any debris or ash. This can be completed after every use only when the appliance is cool, or before use. Seasonal maintenance after being exposed to the elements, storage and general use may involve the use of high temperature paint, to restore it to its absolute best.

  • The chimney system can be removed and stored away out of season, but internal cleaning should be completed at the beginning of each season to ensure that there are no obstructions. The chimney system can also be wiped clean; only when not in use, never when hot. It is common for the chimney system to discolour through continued use, when this happens the chimney system can be painted with high temperature spray paint to restore it to its absolute best.

  • The glass must only be replaced when cold and by a competent person.